Incoming Students - Testimonials - Study in Regensburg
Digital IO
Ambra from Italy
International Office
Ana & Antonija from Croatia
International Office
Ein Rundgang durch das International Office / IO-tour
International Office
Gabriela from Brazil
International Office
Ingrid from Argentina
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Ariane and Vinicius from Brasil
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Celia and Adrián from Spain
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Fiona, Kerry, Caitlin and Jasmin from Ireland
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Giacomo from Italy
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Liliia and Nadezhda from Russia (in German)
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Otilia from Romania (in German)
International Office
Interview with incoming students - Susy from Taiwan
International Office
Meet the IO team - Incoming Students
International Office
Nikita from Ukraine/Poland
International Office
Otilia from Romania
Jhoana Palacio Pineda
Presentation for Non-EU Exchange Students
International Office
Sights of the world - Regensburg has them all!
Digital IO
Simona from Italy
Digital IO
Studying at the University of Regensburg: Non-EU Exchange Student
Digital IO
Studying at the University of Regensburg: ERASMUS Exchange Student
International Office
Studying at the University of Regensburg: International 'Degree-Seeking Students'
International Office
Thao aus Vietnam
International Office
UR Campustour