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Incoming Students - Tutorials

01a Rundfunkbeitrag - Was ist das eigentlich?
International Office
01a Rundfunkbeitrag - Was ist das eigentlich?

01b Rundfunkbeitrag - Wie läuft die Anmeldung?
International Office
01b Rundfunkbeitrag - Wie läuft die Anmeldung?

01c Rundfunkbeitrag - Wie läuft die Abmeldung?
International Office
01c Rundfunkbeitrag - Wie läuft die Abmeldung?

02a Broadcasting Licence Fee - What's that all about?
International Office
02a Broadcasting Licence Fee - What's that all about?

02b Broadcasting Licence Fee - How does the registration work?
International Office
02b Broadcasting Licence Fee - How does the registration work?

02c Broadcasting Licence Fee - How to deregister?
International Office
02c Broadcasting Licence Fee - How to deregister?

Download der Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
Digital IO
Download der Immatrikulationsbescheinigung

Download der Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
Digital IO
Download der Immatrikulationsbescheinigung

Download of Certificate of Enrolment
Digital IO
Download of Certificate of Enrolment

Download of the Certificate of Enrolment
Digital IO
Download of the Certificate of Enrolment

EXA - Course Catalog
Digital IO
EXA - Course Catalog

EXA - Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Digital IO
EXA - Vorlesungsverzeichnis

FlexNow - Digital Credit's Administration Service
Digital IO
FlexNow - Digital Credit's Administration Service

FlexNow - Digitales Leistungsverwaltungssystem
Digital IO
FlexNow - Digitales Leistungsverwaltungssystem

GRIPS - Wie funktioniert es?
Digital IO
GRIPS - Wie funktioniert es?

GRIPS: How does it work?
Digital IO
GRIPS: How does it work?

Orientation Course for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to prepare your schedule - Part I
Digital IO
Orientation Course for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to prepare your schedule - Part I

Orientation for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to create your schedule - Part 2
Digital IO
Orientation for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to create your schedule - Part 2

Orientation for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to create your schedule - Part 3
Digital IO
Orientation for Exchange Students - Course Choice - How to create your schedule - Part 3

RZ Account (UR user account). What is it good for?
Digital IO
RZ Account (UR user account). What is it good for?

RZ-Account: Wofür brauche ich es?
Digital IO
RZ-Account: Wofür brauche ich es?

Semester schedule: Examination Regulations and Module Handbook
Digital IO
Semester schedule: Examination Regulations and Module Handbook

Semesterplan gestalten: Prüfungsordnung und Modulbeschreibung
Digital IO
Semesterplan gestalten: Prüfungsordnung und Modulbeschreibung

SPUR - Studierendenportal der Universität Regensburg
Digital IO
SPUR - Studierendenportal der Universität Regensburg

SPUR - UR Student's Portal
Digital IO
SPUR - UR Student's Portal

Startklar Orientation - Willkommensvideo
Digital IO
Startklar Orientation - Willkommensvideo

Startklar Orientiation Course: Guest Account Application
Digital IO
Startklar Orientiation Course: Guest Account Application

Startklar Orientierungskurs: Gast-Account beantragen
Digital IO
Startklar Orientierungskurs: Gast-Account beantragen

Startklar Video Testimonial - Kuya
Digital IO
Startklar Video Testimonial - Kuya

Student ID: How to Top Up Your Card
Digital IO
Student ID: How to Top Up Your Card

The Cafeterias on the UR campus
International Office
The Cafeterias on the UR campus

Tutorial - Application to UR for international students
Digital IO
Tutorial - Application to UR for international students

Tutorial - Bewerbung an der UR mit ausländischer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung
International Office
Tutorial - Bewerbung an der UR mit ausländischer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung

Tutorial - Online Enrollment for international students
International Office
Tutorial - Online Enrollment for international students

Tutorial - Online-Immatrikulation für internationale Studierende
International Office
Tutorial - Online-Immatrikulation für internationale Studierende

Tutorial Fahrtenformular
International Office
Tutorial Fahrtenformular

Video Testimonial Startklar - Hudemberg
Digital IO
Video Testimonial Startklar - Hudemberg