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Unit 1 | The Establishment of the Liberal Versailles Order with the League of Nations and the ILO

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Natali Stegmann

Unit 1 | The Establishment of the Liberal Versailles Order with the League of Nations and the ILO

As part of developing digital teaching materials, we are delighted to present three units plus an introduction on the history of the International Labour Organization in the first half of the 20th century. Natali Stegmann and the team of students comprising Sven Ehlers, Christine Maschke, Felix Ostermaier, Yannis Rubi, Katharina Schmitt and Tim Treu approach this International Organization as a stage for international social policy making. We have chosen to organize the units according to policy-changing historical events that were important both internationally and for social policy making.

This first unit deals with the establishment of the liberal Versailles order with the League of Nations and the ILO.