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Cary Malkiewich and Mona Merling: Equivariant A-theory and equivariant h-cobordisms, lecture 2

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Christoph Winges

Cary Malkiewich and Mona Merling: Equivariant A-theory and equivariant h-cobordisms, lecture 2

Parallel to equivariant A-theory is the theory of equivariant cobordisms on a G-manifold M. This theory becomes rather subtle when you try to explain how it is a functor along equivariant manifolds and equivariant smooth embeddings. In this talk, we show how to address this functoriality in a satisfactory way, producing a geometric model for the equivariant Whitehead space. As a consequence, we get a splitting on the stable space of equivariant h-cobordisms, parallel to the tom Dieck-style splitting on equivariant A-theory.