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Novum Testamentum Patristicum: Riemer Roukema: Unavoidable haireseis in the Church. 1 Cor. 11:19 in Patristic Reception between 350 and 450 CE.

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Marko Jovanovic

Novum Testamentum Patristicum: Riemer Roukema: Unavoidable haireseis in the Church. 1 Cor. 11:19 in Patristic Reception between 350 and 450 CE.

In the Greek Church, Chrysostom's historical interpretation of haireseis in 1 Cor. 11:19 as local dissensions became authoritative. In the Latin Church, haereses in this text was mainly understood as doctrinal heresies. The diverging traditions of interpretation will be discussed, including the reasons of the necessity of the haireseis. This lecture took place on Monday, 11. October 2021.