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PQLHT | Conference Talk 7 by Krzystof Putyra: "Towards a spectral sequence from HOMFLYPT to Heegaard-Floer knot homology"

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Lukas Lewark

PQLHT | Conference Talk 7 by Krzystof Putyra: "Towards a spectral sequence from HOMFLYPT to Heegaard-Floer knot homology"

The beauty of the HOMFLYPT polynomial is that it generalizes all sl(N) link polynomials as well as the Alexander-Conway polynomial. In the categorified setting the analogous relation has been found by Rasmussen in the form of a spectral sequence from the categorified HOMFLYPT to sl(N) link homology for all N>0. However, a similar relation to the categorified Alexander-Conway polynomial, the Heegaard-Floer knot homology, is currently unknown, although the results of Manolescu and Dowlin suggests that such a spectral sequence should exist. In my talk I will show how to construct a spectral sequence (over a field of characteristic other than 2) from the reduced HOMFLYPT homology to a certain homology of a knot diagram that coincides with HFK over Z/2.
This is joint work with Anna Beliakova, Louis-Hadrien Robert and Emmanuel Wagner.

This talk was part of the conference "Perspectives on quantum link homology theories", see
