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Masaki Taniguchi: Filtered instanton Floer homology and the 3-dimensional homology cobordism group (RLGTS, 10 November 2020)

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Lukas Lewark

Masaki Taniguchi: Filtered instanton Floer homology and the 3-dimensional homology cobordism group (RLGTS, 10 November 2020)


We introduce a family of real-valued homology cobordism invariants r_s(Y) of oriented homology 3-spheres. The invariants r_s(Y) are based on a quantitative construction of filtered instanton Floer homology. Using our invariants, we give several new constraints of the set of smooth boundings of homology 3-spheres. As one of the corollaries, we give infinitely many homology 3-spheres which cannot bound any definite 4-manifold. As another corollary, we show that if the 1-surgery of a knot has negative Froyshov invariant, then the 1/n-surgeries (n>0) of the knot are linearly independent in the homology cobordism group. This is joint work with Yuta Nozaki and Kouki Sato.

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