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Higher Invariants in Functorial Field Theory 2023

Catherine Meusburger: Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury state sums with defects
Matthias Ludewig
Catherine Meusburger: Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury state sums with defects

Chris Schommer-Pries: Topological Field Theories vs Stable Diffeomorphism
Matthias Ludewig
Chris Schommer-Pries: Topological Field Theories vs Stable Diffeomorphism

David Reuter: Super duper vector spaces I --- The higher-categorical algebraic closure of the complex numbers
Matthias Ludewig
David Reuter: Super duper vector spaces I --- The higher-categorical algebraic closure of the complex numbers

Eugenio Landi: String bordism invariants in dimension 3 from U(1)-valued TQFTs
Matthias Ludewig
Eugenio Landi: String bordism invariants in dimension 3 from U(1)-valued TQFTs

Gregor Schaumann: Fusion quivers and retracts of tensor categories
Matthias Ludewig
Gregor Schaumann: Fusion quivers and retracts of tensor categories

Jan Pulmann: Nerves of Hopf algebras and Chern-Simons theory
Matthias Ludewig
Jan Pulmann: Nerves of Hopf algebras and Chern-Simons theory

Lukas Müller - Reflection positivity for extended topological field theories
Matthias Ludewig
Lukas Müller - Reflection positivity for extended topological field theories

Lukas Woike: Modular functors and factorization homology
Matthias Ludewig
Lukas Woike: Modular functors and factorization homology

Patrick Kinnear: Varying the non-semisimple Crane-Yetter theory over the character stack
Matthias Ludewig
Patrick Kinnear: Varying the non-semisimple Crane-Yetter theory over the character stack

Thibault Décoppet: Morita equivalence classes of fusion 2-categories
Matthias Ludewig
Thibault Décoppet: Morita equivalence classes of fusion 2-categories