Alice Pozzi
Alice Pozzi: The values of the Dedekind-Rademacher cocycle at real multiplication points
Claire Burrin
Claire Burrin: Rademacher symbols for Fuchsian groups
Hohto Bekki
Hohto Bekki: Shintani-Barnes cocycles and values of the zeta functions of algebraic number fields
Jesse Silliman
Jesse Silliman: Defective Eisenstein series, Borel Regulators, and Shintani Logarithms
Johannes Sprang
Johannes Sprang: The Equivariant Polylogarithm and Eisenstein classes
Kenichi Bannai
Kenichi Bannai: On the equivariant polylogarithm for the algebraic torus associated to totally real fields
Mahesh Kakde
Mahesh Kakde: On the tower of fields conjecture of Gross
Michael Spieß
Michael Spieß: PGL_2(F_p)-equivariant Cohomology and L-invariants attached to Hilbert modular forms
Paul Gunnells
Paul Gunnells: Modular symbols over function fields
Romyar Sharifi
Romyar Sharifi: Eisenstein cocycles in motivic cohomology
Samit Dasgupta
Samit Dasgupta: The Eisenstein Cocycle and Horizontal Iwasawa Theory