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Lecture 01: Efficiency
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 01: Efficiency

Lecture 02: Generator Objects and Iterators
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 02: Generator Objects and Iterators

Lecture 03: Decorators
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 03: Decorators

Lecture 04: SciPy
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 04: SciPy

Lecture 04b: Extra Maths
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 04b: Extra Maths

Lecture 05: GUIs with tkInter
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 05: GUIs with tkInter

Lecture 06: Dataframes with pandas
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 06: Dataframes with pandas

Lecture 07: Under the hood – Connections to the operating system
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 07: Under the hood – Connections to the operating system

Lecture 08: Machine Learning (Deep Learning)
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 08: Machine Learning (Deep Learning)

Lecture 09: Beyond Python
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 09: Beyond Python

Lecture 10: Seminar RegExes; Parallel Programming
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 10: Seminar RegExes; Parallel Programming

Lecture 11: Seminars Graph Theory and XML
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 11: Seminars Graph Theory and XML

Lecture 12: BeautifulSoup and Plotly/Dash
Stefan Hartinger
Lecture 12: BeautifulSoup and Plotly/Dash