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Precision Medicine International

Automated chemiluminiscence immunoassay
Deborah Seidler
Automated chemiluminiscence immunoassay

Circulating Biomarkers: Research and Clinical Use
Deborah Seidler
Circulating Biomarkers: Research and Clinical Use

Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (1/3)
Deborah Seidler
Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (1/3)

Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (2/3)
Deborah Seidler
Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (2/3)

Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (3/3)
Deborah Seidler
Comparison of Laboratory and Pathology Methods (3/3)

Concept of Precision Medicine
Deborah Seidler
Concept of Precision Medicine

Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
Deborah Seidler
Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence

eduBRoTHER: introduction to short study projects
Deborah Seidler
eduBRoTHER: introduction to short study projects

Deborah Seidler

Immunoassays with Simple Plex technology
Deborah Seidler
Immunoassays with Simple Plex technology

Indication and interpretation of biomarkers in oncology
Deborah Seidler
Indication and interpretation of biomarkers in oncology

Introduction Biobanking
Deborah Seidler
Introduction Biobanking

Isotopic immunoassay on the Stratec SR 300 instrument
Deborah Seidler
Isotopic immunoassay on the Stratec SR 300 instrument

Kurs Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER): Kick-Off Meeting - 23.10.2020
Deborah Seidler
Kurs Precision Medicine International (eduBRoTHER): Kick-Off Meeting - 23.10.2020

Liquid Biobanking in Laboratory Medicine
Deborah Seidler
Liquid Biobanking in Laboratory Medicine

ROC curves and related techniques
Deborah Seidler
ROC curves and related techniques

Roles of Biobanks in Comprehensive Cancer Centers
Deborah Seidler
Roles of Biobanks in Comprehensive Cancer Centers

Spin-Off Companies and Personalised Medicine, Public Private Partnerships
Deborah Seidler
Spin-Off Companies and Personalised Medicine, Public Private Partnerships

The Importance of Collaboration and Data Sharing in the Biobank Environment
Deborah Seidler
The Importance of Collaboration and Data Sharing in the Biobank Environment

Tissue Handling and Pre-Analytics
Deborah Seidler
Tissue Handling and Pre-Analytics

Zoom-Meeting Study Projects am 24.06.2021
Deborah Seidler
Zoom-Meeting Study Projects am 24.06.2021