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3-manifolds with small Urysohn 1-width
Hannah Alpert
3-manifolds with small Urysohn 1-width

A macroscopic version of Gromov's main inequality
Matthias Uschold
A macroscopic version of Gromov's main inequality

Actions on Cantor spaces and macroscopic scalar curvature
Roman Sauer (KIT)
Actions on Cantor spaces and macroscopic scalar curvature

Amenable category and complexity
Pietro Capovilla
Amenable category and complexity

Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on free products
Bastien Karlhofer
Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on free products

Bounded cohomology and classical algebraic topology
Nikolai V. Ivanov
Bounded cohomology and classical algebraic topology

Bounded cohomology via differential forms and cup product
Domenico Marasco
Bounded cohomology via differential forms and cup product

Chern conjecture and simplicial volume
Kevin Li
Chern conjecture and simplicial volume

Combining Papasoglu’s trick with simplicial volume
Kevin Li
Combining Papasoglu’s trick with simplicial volume

Cup products in bounded cohomology of the free groups
Sofia Amontova
Cup products in bounded cohomology of the free groups

Euler class of sphere and vector bundles
Kevin Li
Euler class of sphere and vector bundles

Extension of quasicocycles from hyperbolically embedded subgroups
Francesco Fournier Facio (ETHZ)
Extension of quasicocycles from hyperbolically embedded subgroups

Filling volume and simplicial volume of mapping tori
Federica Bertolotti
Filling volume and simplicial volume of mapping tori

Gromov's Mapping Theorem via Multicomplexes
Marco Moraschini (UR)
Gromov's Mapping Theorem via Multicomplexes

Gromov's proportionality principle via continuous bounded cohomology
Filippo Baroni (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Gromov's proportionality principle via continuous bounded cohomology

Gromov's proportionality principle via hyperbolic geometry
Filippo Sarti (University of Bologna)
Gromov's proportionality principle via hyperbolic geometry

Gromov's systolic inequality via smoothing techniques
Lizhi Chen (Lanzhou University)
Gromov's systolic inequality via smoothing techniques

Group Actions on the Circle
Matthias Uschold
Group Actions on the Circle

Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle
Bruno Martelli (Università di Pisa)
Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle

L2-Betti numbers and computability of reals
Matthias Uschold
L2-Betti numbers and computability of reals

Large quasi-isometry classes via bounded cohomology
Vladimir Vankov
Large quasi-isometry classes via bounded cohomology

Lie groups and symmetric spaces
Anton Hase (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Lie groups and symmetric spaces

L^2-Betti numbers
Holger Kammeyer (KIT)
L^2-Betti numbers

Milnor-Wood inequalities & Geometric Applications
Matthias Uschold
Milnor-Wood inequalities & Geometric Applications

Minimal Volume (Part 1/2)
Matthias Uschold
Minimal Volume (Part 1/2)

Minimal Volume (Part 2/2)
Matthias Uschold
Minimal Volume (Part 2/2)

Multiplicative constants for representations
Alessio Savini (University of Geneva)
Multiplicative constants for representations

On the space of non-descending quasi-morphisms
Morimichi Kawasaki (Aoyamagakuin University)
On the space of non-descending quasi-morphisms

Positivity of simplicial volume via barycentric techniques
Shi Wang (MPIM)
Positivity of simplicial volume via barycentric techniques

Quasi-morphisms on surface diffeomorphism groups
Jonathan Bowden
Quasi-morphisms on surface diffeomorphism groups

Quasimorphisms on negatively curved groups - mapping class groups
Biao Ma (Côte d'Azur University)
Quasimorphisms on negatively curved groups - mapping class groups

Simplicial volume of fiber bundles with nonpositively curved fibers
Xiaofeng Meng
Simplicial volume of fiber bundles with nonpositively curved fibers

Some new constructions in the theory of left orderable groups
Yash Lodha
Some new constructions in the theory of left orderable groups

Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 1/3)
Matthias Uschold
Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 1/3)

Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 2/3)
Matthias Uschold
Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 2/3)

Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 3/3)
Matthias Uschold
Spectral Sequences in Bounded Cohomology (Talk 3/3)

Stabilization of bounded cohomology along classical families
Carlos De la Cruz Mengual
Stabilization of bounded cohomology along classical families

Stable integral and foliated integral simplicial volume
Caterina Campagnolo (ENS Lyon)
Stable integral and foliated integral simplicial volume

Stable torsion length
Lvzhou(Joe) Chen (UT Austin)
Stable torsion length

The bounded cohomology of some homeomorphism groups
Nicolas Monod (EPFL)
The bounded cohomology of some homeomorphism groups

The simplicial volume of contractible 3-manifolds
Giuseppe Bagagnati
The simplicial volume of contractible 3-manifolds

The simplicial volume of manifolds fibering over spheres
Thorben Kastenholz
The simplicial volume of manifolds fibering over spheres

Uniform Stability of Groups and Vanishing of an asymptotic variant of bounded cohomology
Bharatram Rangarajan
Uniform Stability of Groups and Vanishing of an asymptotic variant of bounded cohomology

What is stable commutator length?
Nicolaus Heuer (University of Cambridge)
What is stable commutator length?